Registration Info
The yearly tuition arrangement is budgeted into 10 payments. The payment is not based upon the number of classes during one particular period, but is determined to budget the obligation for your convenience into 10 payments with a double payment of the first and last due at registration. All tuition is non-refundable.
Tuition is due and payable the first of each month. All tuition not paid by the 10th of the month will include a $10.00 late fee. This policy will be strictly enforced unless prior arrangements have been made. There will be a $25.00 fee for bounced checks. Thereafter, cash only please.
A discount of 10% will be given for tuition paid in full for the year by September 30th.
In the event of vacation or illness of the student, charges cannot
be adjusted. As a courtesy, make-up classes may be arranged at the front desk provided that there is a class available and tuition is paid up-to-date.
A yearly registration fee is due upon registration. This fee is non-transferable and non-refundable $30.00 per student or $55.00 per family paid in full for the year by September 30th.